August 4, 2007

back alley paintin'

This is a painting I've been working on the last couple of days. I haven't painted an environment in a while and when I saw a picture in National Geographic, I thought it would make for a nice painting. I wanted to finish this painting in one sitting but after a while I needed to get away from it. But taking a brake from it and getting feed back was really helpful. Also threw in the quick roughs, each took a couple of minutes. I'm pretty happy with the end result and I know there is room for improvement but I'd rather move on to another piece.

I'll be sure to post something soon again, some more sketch book stuff most likely.

1 comment:

StudioRisingStar said...

Hey Ahed! It's Brandon.
I love your BG painting! Great alley way. I love the colors as well as the other BG paintings on your blog! Hey keep in touch man.

-Brandon Robinson